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Suffering From Insomnia?

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Suffering From Insomnia?

Looking back at all the people that I have coached I notice that they came for coaching because they were in mental, emotional or physical pain; they felt stressed and as a result they can’t sleep at night.

They wanted to move from being in a state of pain to being in a state of pleasure.

After considering their specific situation I found that their pain, stress or anxiety came predominately from one of fourย areas.

Issues or concerns in one or more of these four areas caused insomnia.

These areas being:

1)ย ย  Health

For example:

  • Being overweight resulting in eyesight problems and being at risk of becoming a diabetic
  • Chronic back pain that they couldnโ€™t seem to overcome despite visiting doctors, chiropractors and physiotherapists
  • Constant headaches
  • Being told they have cancer
  • Feeling tense, stressed, exhausted, lethargic, unmotivated

2)ย ย  Relationships

For example, being in conflict:

  • At home with their partner, child, brother or sister
  • At work with their boss, work colleagues or their employees
  • With relatives or friends

often due to unmet expectations, limiting beliefs, misunderstandings

And some just felt isolated and lonely because they struggled to make friends or find their soul mate.

3)ย ย  Finance

For example:

  • Fear of losing their job, being dependent on their job, not having other sources of income
  • Struggling to pay their bills, worried if or if not they can afford to send their children to a good school
  • Feeling debt stress
  • Canโ€™t afford to go to a restaurant, on a holiday or buy a new car
  • Worried about being able to survive after they retire
  • Struggling to make a profit in their business

4)ย ย  Identity or Self-Image

For example:

  • They donโ€™t know who they are or what they are here for
  • Lack confidence
  • Feel like they are insignificant, worthless, ugly
  • Feel stuck, trapped, like a slave
  • They hate their job
  • Get jealous of others easily
  • Are constantly disappointed, angry, sad or depressed

Now when you have a problem in one these four areas it generally affects another area.

For example:

If you are unhealthy then you may struggle to get a job or if you have a job you may not perform well thereby restricting your earning potential or chance of promotion.

Also if you are struggling financially them you probably couldnโ€™t afford to buy high-quality food, say organic food (thereby affecting your health) or afford to go out socializing (thereby affecting your relationships).

What I am saying is that a problem in one area creates a new problem in another area which feeds on itself to create further problems which all add up to making your life hell.

Also when problems cause insomnia and you donโ€™t get enough sleep you become grumpy, short-tempered, hostile, angry and depressed which negatively affects all four areas and can lead to other health issues like diabetes and heart disease.

So if you have insomnia and you are smartย then you would know that it is very important to get help.

The good newsย is that I am prepared to help you because my mission is to help as many people as possible from now until I die.

And even better news is that after I help you, you decide whether or not to pay me.

And if you decide to pay me you decide how much.

Yes, you heard me right; you decide whether or not to pay me and how much.

This coaching session which we will call the โ€œInsomnia Cureโ€ life coaching session is by donation.

So ACT QUICKLY to claim your spot before you miss out as I only have time for 5 of these sessions per week.

To claim your โ€œInsomnia Cureโ€ life coaching session today, simply submit your details below.

Be sure to include your name, country/city, your telephone number, Skype name and email address so I can get back to you within the next 24 to 48 hours to schedule your one-on-one โ€œInsomnia Cureโ€ life coaching session.

Please allow up to 45ย minutes for this coaching session.

Warmest regards,

Martin Formato

Professional Certified Life Coach and Career Coach
Email: support@martinformato.com

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