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What To Do If You Hate Your Job

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hate my job, career advice, escape 9 to 5

The first thing you need to do, if you hate your job, is to find your PASSION.


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Because your passion is your fuel, it’s what’s going to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

You need the energy that your passion will give you.

You need to find the one thing that makes your heart sing, makes you come alive and gives your life pleasure.

The one thing that helps sooth the pain from the job you hate by providing some relief.

Your passion is like your pain killer.

Use it to numb the pain from the job you hate.

Don’t drink, smoke or take drugs to numb the pain. Use your passion instead.

So let me ask you.

What topic or activity interests you?

What are you passionate about?

For me it’s coaching. I just love it.

Whether it’s coaching people one on one, in a group, whether it’s writing a book or creating an online line course it doesn’t matter because they’re all just vehicles that I use to express myself, to add value and empower people so they can take charge of their life and improve it.

I believe that we are here to learn, do and teach.

I believe that we should spend the first part of our life learning, the middle part doing and the later part of our life teaching. In other words handing the baton over to the next generation because that’s the right thing to do and will help society to evolve and progress.

We are here to express ourselves and help others express themselves.

So the first thing you need to do, if you hate your job, is to find your passion.

If you know what your passion is, please type it in the comments below. I would love to hear it.

If you don’t know what your passion is, you need to find it.

So I invite you to take my FREE 5 –Day course, which you can do in the privacy and comfort of your own home and at a time that suits you, and that will help you figure out your passion and much more.

Click here to start your new life

#whattodoifyouhateyourjob #careeradvice #toxicworkenvironment #hateyourjob #escape9to5 #hatemyjob #sidehustle #hatejob

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