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The One Thing Successful People Do

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Goal Setting, Goal Ideas

Why is it that some people succeed while others fail?

Today I’ll be talking about the one thing that all successful people do.

I’ve never met a successful person who doesn’t do this.

The thing I’m talking about is… (drum roll)

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Goal Setting

All successful people set goals.

What is Goal Setting?

According to the dictionary “it’s the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable goals and timeframes”.

Why Set Goals?

So you have something to aim for, a target.

So you have direction and purpose.

People want and need direction.

People need to know where they are going.

This satisfies a core human need, the need for certainty.

As the good book says, those without a vision, perish.

Goals help you decide what you want.

If you don’t set a goal then who knows where you’ll end up. You’ll be like a boat without a rudder.

I found that those who don’t set goals usually end up working for those who do set goals.

The truth is that the purpose of goal setting is not to achieve the goal but more about who you become in the process.

What you get will not make you happy long term because we humans are wanting animals and are never satisfied. We take things for granted. So as soon as you achieve one goal you need to set another because Progress = Happiness.

Also what you get can be taken away, who you become can’t be.

Also it’s not the goal we want it’s the feeling we think achieving the goal will give us.

So what’s life about? It’s about setting and achieving goals and repeating the process.

How Do You Set Goals and Get Anything You Want?

1. You must decide WHAT you want

 Your goals must be specific, they must be clear because Clarity = Power

Now I suggest you set goals in all areas of your life. I like to break my life down into 4 areas:

  • Self-image or identity
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Finances

Your self-image is about your work, career, profession or business. You see your work falls into 1 of 3 levels – Job, Career or Mission.

Job = not satisfying and just doing it for the pay check

Career = more satisfying but more about yourself, climbing the ladder, getting the fancy title or corner office

Mission = totally fulfilling and about something bigger than yourself, about making a difference in the world. This is what I help people with, to help them find their purpose and make a living from it.

We call WHAT you want your “Outcome Goals”.

You don’t have 100% control over your “Outcome Goals”.

It’s like having a goal to win the grand final. You don’t have 100% control over that because who knows the other team may just be better, but there are things you can do. I’ll explain that in a minute.

2. You must know WHY you want the goal

You see reasons come first and answers come second.

If you have no why then there’s no point in achieving the goal.

So why is your goal important?

What’s in it for you?

What will your goal give you?

Why is that important?

Your WHY could be something positive (something pleasurable, a benefit) or something negative (you are trying to avoid like pain or loss).

So list the benefits of achieving your goal (associate pleasure to achievement)

List the consequences of not achieving your goal (associate pain or loss).

This will help motivate you to take action.

3. Figure out HOW you are going to achieve the goal

This is where you create a MAP, a Massive Action Plan.

The best time to have a map is before you enter the woods, not while you are in the woods.

Your MAP contains your “Process Goals” which you do have 100% control over.

In the grand final example, your process goals could be that you wake up at 6am, you train 6 days a week, eat healthy, you don’t smoke or drink alcohol and you sleep 8 hours a night.

4. You must take MASSIVE ACTION

Nothing changes unless you take action.

Action is the cure all.

When in doubt take action.

Life rewards action.

People think knowledge is power, but it’s only potential power.

Action trumps knowledge everyday of the week.

5. MEASURE your results

What we measure gets better.

What we measure improves.

What we measure we can manage.

You need to measure to check that you are on track and heading in the right direction.

That’s the problem most people have with their New Year resolutions they don’t look at their goals or check their results until the next NYE, which is too late.

6. If you’re not getting the results you want, ADJUST YOUR PLAN

7. If you’re not getting the results you want, TAKE ADJUSTED ACTION

 8. CELEBRATE when you achieve your goal (what gets rewarded gets repeated)

So if you want to have success this year, I am happy to share with you my goal setting template for FREE. It includes a detailed example and will definitely help you achieve your goals.

Simply message me your email address and I’ll send you a copy.

You can email me at support@martinformato.com

Enter in the subject “Please send me your goal setting template”

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