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20 Reasons Why People Quit Their Job

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Here are 20 reasons why people quit their job and what to do about it:

  1. Bad boss
  2. Underpaid
  3. Overworked
  4. No job security
  5. No career path
  6. Toxic workplace
  7. Unfulfilling work
  8. Got a better offer
  9. Stress/poor health
  10. Have no say/control
  11. Commute is too long
  12. Lack of support/training
  13. Unable to pursue passions
  14. Aren’t appreciated/valued
  15. A desire to be my own boss
  16. Didn’t get along with co-workers
  17. Family commitments/responsibilities
  18. My side hustle is ready to support me
  19. Wrong people were promoted or fired
  20. Job/company is moving in a different direction to me

If you left a job previously, what triggered you?

Please share your thoughts or experience in the comments below.

As you can see there are many different reasons why people quit their job.

A bad boss is often responsible for some of the other reasons. They can be someone who micro manages, is incompetent, plays favoritism, discriminates, breaches confidentiality or has a narcissistic personality – they demean, intimidate, bully, harass, or belittle others.

You may be struggling to keep up. There’s too much work and pressure. You have to work longer hours and spend less time with your family. You have no work-life balance.

There may be no career path, progression or opportunity. You’ve been passed over or overlooked for promotion. Politics and favoritism are keeping you stuck. You feel used and abused. Younger and less expensive staff are chosen over those with experience, knowledge and abilities.

You may not know what the future holds. The economy is down and there are budget cuts. People are being told to work less hours or to accept a pay cut or even worse lose their job due to restructures and downsizing. There is no continuity or guaranteed work. You may need to re-tool as your current role is not in demand and doesn’t have a future. However you still need to feed yourself and pay the bills.

You are bored and unfulfilled with the work you are doing. You feel empty and dead inside. You lack motivation. You don’t feel like going to work as you have no interest in the work. You are finding it hard to care when you’ve checked out of the situation. You are not passionate about what you’re doing. You want to bring your spark back. Want to be challenged, fulfilled and rewarded for your efforts.

You may not feel confident in your role. Training is lacking. Your company is not investing in people. Processes and systems aren’t working. This causes you frustration and stress.

You’re not appreciated. They’re not listening, recognizing or appreciating the work you do. You don’t feel valued. You want to know that your contribution counts and genuinely makes a difference.

Your team is not the right fit. The culture is backwards. Some workers feel entitled. They can be stubborn and hard to create change with. You want to work with driven motivated high performers. You want competent team mates to count on.

You can feel that there is something else deep down that you can be doing that will give you the income to work less hours and spend more time with family.

You may have a desire to start your own business, to get paid doing work you love, have time and work freedom.

So who am I?

Hi, my name is Martin Formato, and I’m a career specialist for unfulfilled professionals.

I specialize in teaching people how to make the right career choice, one that’s aligned with who they are.

I help people find their greatness.

I don’t just teach people how to choose a career that’s fulfilling and profitable; I also teach them how to do it in an easy, effective and fun way, one simple tiny step at a time.

I’ve taken everything that’s stressful, difficult, overwhelming or confusing about choosing a career and made it disappear.

So how do I do it?

My background is in engineering (worked as an engineer for 25 years), so I re-engineered a new way to solve this career problem. (That’s why you won’t find my method anywhere else, unless the baddies copied it!)

My mission is to help people make the right career choice, so they don’t end up in a job they hate, coming home feeling stressed and turning to junk food, alcohol or drugs to ease their pain.

I’m passionate about inspiring people to be themselves and to go out and solve a world problem. This is how we can make this world a better place for all of us.

I’m here to help people make their dreams a reality, their passion their life, and their life a legacy.

I’m here to help you make the right career choice, one that’s aligned with who you are.

If you want to learn how to make the right career decision and become a confident, independent and unique individual who shines, then I have an online course for you that you can do in the comfort and privacy of your own home, at a time that suits you. It’s called “The Profitable Career Launcher”.

Click here for more information

Your time is now!

Live your one life by your own rules with the fewest regrets possible.

Click here for more information

Tags: bad boss, quit your job, change jobs, career advice, toxic workplace, hate your job, escape 9 to 5, hate my job, end job hate, purpose, meaning of life

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