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Croatian Journalist Interviews Career Coach Martin Formato

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I was approached by a Croatian journalist named Ivan Popoviฤ‡, who works for online media portal Cro Tribune, for an interview.

He translated my answers into Croatian for the benefit of his audience.

I find it amazing how people somehow hear about your work from the other side of the world.

Read below his questions and my answers (in English).

Martin Formato is a licensed life coach, a motivational speaker who, through his writing and lectures, endeavors to help people find their way into career and life. With a special focus on the entrepreneurial potential for young people who are just opening business, Martin is always present as someone who is doing his best to direct, and from his own experience has given a way and information on how to get started and where to focus. He is the author of many success stories, of which we have outlined the book โ€˜Follow Your Own Pathโ€˜ explaining it in an interview.

Martin, thanks for giving to our portal, Cro Tribune, this opportunity for this interview. I would love to talk about your book; โ€˜Follow Your Own Pathโ€™. Tell us more about it. What is it all about?

This book is for anyone who is hungry. Anyone who wants more out of life. Anyone who knows that they have more to give, share and experience. Anyone who feels deep down, in their heart that they are here for a reason. Itโ€™s a book for people who feel stuck, lost, depressed or even suicidal. In particular, itโ€™s for, entrepreneurs who are struggling, school leavers who are lost, employees who are bored or in a job they hate and redundees who feel discarded. Today, more than ever in history, people need more direction and less information. This book will put you on the right path, YOUR PATH.

How do you see the biggest obstacles in transferring to other career today? Is it procrastination, lack of energy or we simply sometimes come to a point in life where we lack a strength for big changes?

The biggest obstacles in changing careers today are lack of clarity, reasons to change, fears, excuses and limiting beliefs.

So, what is your advice in that matter?

Figure out the type of work you enjoy, that you can do well and that people will pay you for. Find a role model that is doing what you want to do and learn from them. If you have fears, excuses and limiting beliefs then hire a mindset coach.

When you deal with your clients, when they talk about their dreams, what are most common fears they are faced with?

These are the most common fears โ€“ fear of failure, rejection, being judged, standing out and even success.

What are your suggestions on how to break them?

Fear is something that sits in our imagination. Itโ€™s not real. Fear is an emotional signal, a message. It means that we are not prepared. So get prepared and the fear will disappear. A good mindset coach will help you overcome fear.

How do you help people discover their purpose?

I help people discover their purpose by helping them find the intersection between their passion, their personality/talents and what pays.

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How do you make a difference between a vocation and a โ€˜9/5 jobโ€™? Many of us, somewhere in our early 30/ies just start to work the other one. Why people give up so easily?

People give up so easily because they are mostly chasing money and not their passion or purpose. People also expect instant results. They are not patient enough. You donโ€™t plant a seed and expect the plant to grow overnight. It takes time and consistent action.

A vocation is work that is calling you; itโ€™s your lifeโ€™s mission. When you are doing it, it doesnโ€™t feel like work. Itโ€™s something you would even do for free.

Is society, even if we live in democracy, but like on an example of Eastern Europe, post transition countries, how big obstacles are those for young people who define their identity as pure individualism and want to pursue a career that is so much easier to achieve in Canada, UK or USA? Do they simply should move to other countries, or we can do something with ourselves in those societies, even if they are not so progressive and liberal?

Today the internet provides us opportunities to work from anywhere. Many of my clients are in different countries. Having said that, if your work is more suited to offline then moving to a more accepting country may be required.


If you would like a step by step guide for success then grab my book โ€œFollow Your Own Pathโ€ by clicking on the link or image below.

And if you want to progress even faster then consider hiring me as your coach.

Click this link for your first FREE coaching session

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Till next time, take care.

Martin Formato

Career Coach

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