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Suffering From Insomnia?

Looking back at all the people that I have coached I notice that they came for coaching because they were in mental, emotional or physical pain; they felt stressed and as a result they can’t sleep at night.

They wanted to move from being in a state of pain to being in a state of pleasure.

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People want to know how to be successful.

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Afraid Of Getting Fired?

For those people who are afraid of getting fired, I wish to share with you a story about Luigi who was fired because he was illiterate.

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Do You Believe In Karma?

While I was snorkeling I had a thought.

I was thinking about my flight over from Perth to Singapore.

Now I don’t normally make a donation on a plane.

But this time when they came over asking for a donation for UNICEF I decided well why not.

So I put some money in the envelope.

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 Before departure

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Adventurers Wanted

As human beings we have a core need for VARIETY or UNCERTAINTY or ADVENTURE.

Without this need, life becomes very boring.

It is for this reason that I am packing my bags tonight and going somewhere that I have never been before.

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When we were children we had the courage to express ourselves, to dream and be whoever we wanted to be.

Then somewhere along the line we changed.

We stopped believing in ourselves and as a result we stopped being ourselves.

We started blaming everyone and everything for not being who we are and becoming who we are capable of.

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My Morning Routine gives me the edge, the eye of the tiger, to face the world and win!

Read below my step-by-step morning routine which I recommend you try. It will change your life!

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I Am Thankful For Many Things.

So when one of my clients told me that they hated their life and that they were stressed, this is what I told them:

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Today I will help you answer that question in your head “Who am I?

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