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What Matters Most In Life?

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what matters most, side hustle

What matters most in your life?

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Now, letโ€™s be clear, relationships are extremely important but I want to put relationships to the side for a moment and talk about some other things so if I ask you what matters most in your life, what would you say?

Whatโ€™s the first thing that comes to mind when I ask people this question – usually they say I just want to be happy.

What is happiness?

How do you achieve happiness?

And the answer is; you need to feel like youโ€™re growing, like youโ€™re progressing, thatโ€™s what happiness is.

Thatโ€™s where happiness comes from, knowing that youโ€™re growing.

Now, letโ€™s look at health. If youโ€™re healthy that contributes to you being happy.

What is health?

Health is about having energy because without energy you canโ€™t do anything. Energy is life. Now, the truth is, when youโ€™re young youโ€™re generally fairly healthy, however, as time goes on, your health tends to deteriorate so it ends up like this or you end up here where you have no health and youโ€™re dead youโ€™re in the cemetery.

Next, letโ€™s look at time. Time is important. When youโ€™re young you tend to have a lot of time, however, as you get older you tend to get busier with school and work, getting married, having kids, and later on you end up retiring and having plenty of time so you could say the curve goes something like a โ€œU.โ€

Now, youโ€™ve got health, youโ€™ve got your time, what are you going to do with it?

Generally people focus on making money, doing some form of work and when youโ€™re young you really want money but you havenโ€™t got it but as you get older you tend to accumulate money so you can see then as you get older and you have plenty of time you have plenty of money, however youโ€™ve got not much health whereas when youโ€™re young you have plenty of health, plenty of time, but havenโ€™t got any money. And when youโ€™re in the midlife your healthโ€™s okay, youโ€™re time poor and you have some money.

So, if I combine these three graphs together it looks like this. Thereโ€™s your health, thereโ€™s your time and thereโ€™s your money. Now, these are the people I usually work with, people in the midlife where theyโ€™re feeling a bit stretched for time, their health is starting to deteriorate a little bit, their money situation isnโ€™t quite how they want it. These are the people looking for meaning in life, looking for their purpose because your work makes up a major part of your life. If youโ€™re not happy with your work youโ€™re not happy with your life, period.

So itโ€™s important to strive to do work that you enjoy, now with your purpose I say

That your purpose equals your power and your purpose is your path itโ€™s the direction that youโ€™re meant to head towards and when youโ€™re happy and fulfilled you know what your purpose is and youโ€™re heading in that direction.

Unfortunately, most people donโ€™t know their purpose because finding your purpose isnโ€™t easy because if it was then everyone would know their purpose. For me, Iโ€™ve discovered my purpose and Iโ€™ve put together a system to help other people discover their purpose.

My purpose in life is to end job hate.

To help people not hate their job and at the moment Iโ€™m working with the little guy, the underdog, and helping them to move from one career to another career. I could work on the other end and help managers and leaders become better managers and leaders because that also contributes to job hate but at the moment Iโ€™m just focusing on helping the little guy.

Now, in terms of finding your purpose, it takes three things to find your purpose. I call it the three Pโ€™s:

  1. Your passion, what youโ€™re passionate about, in other words, what interests you,
  2. Your personality, like what you are good at, whatโ€™s your natural tendencies and
  3. Payable, what pays the bills.
how to find your purpose

So itโ€™s really a combination of those 3 things that determine your purpose and encourage you to find your purpose and to help you along that path Iโ€™ve created a free five day course that takes you through steps to help you determine your purpose and Iโ€™ll put a link somewhere in this post so please have a go at the free five day challenge because I believe our purpose in this world is to solve a problem and because I see the world as a piece of Swiss cheese where we have all these holes, theyโ€™re all the problems.

You see, God or the universe has created these problems to give us something to do. So itโ€™s up to us to find out which problem weโ€™re here to solve and to work with other like-minded people to solve that problem.

It might be a problem to do with people hating their jobs and thatโ€™s the problem Iโ€™m focusing on. It might be helping to feed people who arenโ€™t fed like ending work hunger. It could be to promote peace, not war, that might be your purpose and mission. Well, it might just be to raise healthy children. It does vary, so there are all sorts of problems out there that I believe thereโ€™s one for each of us, and itโ€™s important to find the one for us because thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going to make us feel alive, thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going to make us feel like our life has meaning and thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going to help us leave a legacy for other people.

So I encourage you to seek your purpose and to follow that path because thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going to lead to true happiness and fulfilment, and very little regrets so I encourage you to click on the link and start your journey and just do the course anyway just to see whether you are on the right path because if youโ€™re not on the right path then youโ€™re going to be experiencing stress and anxiety and depression. And what tends to happen is people end up over eating, drinking, smoking, taking drugs, and being angry, and being negative, itโ€™s because theyโ€™re suffering, theyโ€™re in pain and they do these things to try and numb the pain.

I say we can cure all those problems by helping people find their purpose and thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m encouraging you to do, to find your purpose and pursue it because thatโ€™s going to affect all areas of your life. You are going to have better relationships, youโ€™re going to have improved health, and youโ€™re going to make more money and thatโ€™s a fact because look at all the successful people, the ones that find their passion and their purpose, theyโ€™re the ones who are winning in this world so I encourage you to click on the link and work through the worksheets and videos and just see what happens.

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re going to learn something new, something that you never thought of before.


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